Thursday, August 19, 2010

worm set free!

i had to learn the worm go free
i wanted to sleep through the night
so i put her out on the street
and people laughed at her
as i cried
i hope she will be ok
photo by york wegerhoff

Thursday, August 12, 2010

headvoice machine

the singingmachine
the supercomputer
the jury
has it done as we have asked of it?

Friday, August 6, 2010

worm in my bed

the next thing i knew there was a worm in my bed. i yelled out.. "OH MY! THERE'S A WORM IN MY BED" The worm didnt flinch. it just lay there in my bed and i thought gee thats annoying because i only have a few options. either i sleep with the worm which may be strange cause i have never slept with a worm before. or i remove the worm from the bed either by encouraging or forcing or throwing the worm from the bed. and then probably even if the worm goes i wont be able to sleep until i have cleaned the sheets. and even if i clean the sheets i may not sleep so peacefully because i might always be thinking, what if the worm comes back - or what if the worm had babies - and so the fine and very important relationship that i have with my sleeping space - my bed - it is now in a new state of flux and the security that i took for granted is not there. Oh my theres a worm in my bed. oh my! my life has been invaded and i am standing around unable to decide what to do, where to go, how to move forward.


i am going to go back to a few weeks ago. these two people came to my house and they exchanged my automat - machine that has balls inside that you have to buy and you dont know which one you are going to get - well these two people came and brought some drinking liquids and repacked the balls and then the next day the machine was gone. its not even my machine really. well it is. it was. it was given to me by an austrian woman who i helped move house. it was in her cellar and she didnt know what to do with it. it wasnt actually hers either. it was actually her lovers. and he was in south america. so she made a split second decision and she asked me to take it. and i did and left it in my hallway knowing full well that it would soon be taken away from me. and then it was by those two people. i wonder if i will ever see or hear from them again.


i disappeared and i have some things to share. but one step at a time. so first to keep me calm in the face of all the work there is to be done... some... windmills.