Thursday, September 30, 2010

worm captured!

and then she was captured
and put inside again
to make babies for the record companies
so that the people would have to buy

mother earworm its ok
making babies everyday
so many babies
so so so so so many babies

Sunday, September 12, 2010


thats a bridge over stream, bridge in the middle of street, on concrete above river. troubled water? i dont know. and if you stand there in the middle, in the inbetween, you can hear the water going 1. under you, 2. over you, 3. through you just like the stream in the forest. just like you always wanted.

and in the column of the bridge there is a troll and theres a hole - big enough for an ear - which makes it an ear hole - an ear hole troll hole - hole to hear a troll with your ear. stick your ear in the hole. trolls eat ears. listen to troll as it works away underground in its little complex. listen to your ear being eaten. go on. troll drone like. foto by york wegerhoff